Lazy Susans specializes in regular house cleaning and apartment cleaning.
When you book with Lazy Susans, we estimate and recommend the number of hours for your booking based on the size of your home. There is a minimum booking time of 2 hours, and we also suggest that you do book the recommended number of hours just so our Lazy Susans professional will be able to complete all of the tasks listed below. However, you do have the option of booking less than the recommended time – if so, please leave some notes after your booking has been confirmed so we can ensure that your Lazy Susans professional gets all your priority areas cleaned!
Our standard Lazy Susans clean includes the following:
We also offer additional services, which are available on request (may add extra time to your booking):
Due to insurance liability, safety constraints and other considerations, we unfortunately DO NOT offer the following:
Our friendly, professional cleaners are all trained, reliable, referenced, insured and trustworthy. Our online booking tool makes scheduling effortless.